Supervision Agreement

Contract for Clinical Supervision

We agree that:

  • We will arrange 1:1 supervision for 1 hour on an ad hoc basis.
  • If you have recorded me as your supervisor with the NCH, the requirement is a minimum of 6 hours per year.
  • Sessions will be held on Zoom or Telephone.
  • Fees are payable at time of booking via Paypal.
  • We will keep to agreed appointments and time boundaries.
  • Privacy will be respected and interruptions avoided.
  • If either of us is unable to attend a booked appointment, we will inform the other as soon as possible.
  • We will review the process, and usefulness of the supervision to the supervisee, frequently or on the request of either party.
  • We will discuss and agree contact parameters outside the formal sessions if the supervisee requires additional contact for a particular issue.

Responsibilities and accountability

  1. The purpose of supervision/consultancy is to develop and maintain a trusting professional relationship in which supervisee and supervisor collaborate to help the supervisee to do his/her best work.
  2. This is a consultancy relationship. This means that the supervisor is not accountable for client work. The supervisee chooses what issues to bring to supervision and retains all responsibility for their work.
  3. The supervisor contracts to be positive and constructive in meeting the supervisee’s supervision requirements.
  4. The supervisor will act ethically and responsibly where there are concerns about the supervisee’s practice and wellbeing, or the supervisee’s clients’ treatment and wellbeing. Should there be a need to involve an external body, the supervisor will do everything possible to involve the supervisee and maintain a relationship of trust and transparency.
  5. The supervisee is responsible for keeping records of their supervision sessions, including attendance.
  6. The NCH requirements are that supervisees must attend a minimum of 6 hours per year. If you fail to attend for more than 3 months, the supervisor is obliged to contact the NCH.

Supervision Agreement Details


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